USG Corporation

USG Corporation is an industry-leading manufacturer of building products and innovative solutions, serving construction markets around the world. USG employs around 6,600 people in North America at 52 manufacturing facilities, a Corporate Innovation Center in Libertyville, Illinois, and its headquarters in Chicago.
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Sustaining Results Using Training Within Industry

Author: Pat Boutier (Shingo Prize Winning Author, Certified TWI and Coach) A major challenge for all LSS practitioners is how to sustain results achieved during their project. Basically, the entire Control Phase is about sustaining results.  Fortunately there is an existing body of knowledge which complements Lean Six Sigma and was developed for the express … Read more

7 Words You Should Never Say in Lean Six Sigma

In the 1970s the late comedian George Carlin (1937-2008) perfected a routine in which he discussed seven words which could not be used on broadcast television.  Carlin was known for his acerbic wit and ability to skewer bureaucrats, politicians, and anyone else he found to be arrogant, pompous, or just plain ignorant. And he also loved … Read more

Keys to a Successful LSS Project: Part 3 of 3: Project Support

Often companies that want to implement a LSS program – and experience the benefits  associated with it – think that by sending a couple of staff to Green or Black Belt training they are on their way to success.  Nothing can be further from the truth. If belts do not have appropriate structure and support, … Read more

Keys to a Successful LSS Project: Part 2 of 3: Project Management

Many LSS practitioners are familiar with project management practices from working on non-LSS project teams. Regardless of your past experience, here are five areas of focus for effective project management compiled by TMAC staff from coaching many Black Belts and Green Belts. Define Phase Deliverables: Charter, Team Launch, Stakeholder Analysis Meeting Facilitation Between Meeting Activities … Read more

What Payback Can You Expect From Your Lean Six Sigma Project?

TMAC requires our students to complete one project (for Green Belts) or two projects (for Black Belts) as part of the requirements for certification. All GB and BB candidates must submit their project documentation for review. TMAC staff examine project files for adherence to the DMAIC process, use of appropriate tools, potential technical issues, etc. … Read more

Applying Lean in a Soup Kitchen? Of Course You Can!

A common argument from individuals who are new to Lean principles is ‘We’re different. This Lean stuff doesn’t apply to us. It only works in manufacturing.’ Experienced Lean Six Sigma (LSS) practitioners know Lean practices have been successfully implemented in a wide variety of non-manufacturing industries including health care, finance and banking, retail, insurance, supply … Read more