Using LSS to Improve Customer Service: A Case Study by Eric Thompson

Did you know the number of people working from home tripled from 2019 to 2021? According to the U. S. Census Bureau the number of employees primarily working from home went from ~9M to 27.6M workers during this period. That’s roughly equivalent to all the people – men, women, and children – in Colorado, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Kentucky combined!

Toyota Kata: The Secret Sauce of Lean by Conrad Soltero

Whether your organization is on a lean journey or planning one, aligning management and the workforce with understanding and acceptance can be a challenge. Lean promises shortened lead times, less waste, and more productive operations. But for many companies the results achieved have fallen short. There is growing consensus in the lean community that a narrow focus on lean tools without providing the workforce with continuous improvement skills will result in poor results if not outright failure.

Common Fears of LSS Students

When I was a little girl, my family would go camping with a group from our church. I loved being outdoors, enjoying nature, and spending time with my sister. During one trip the young kids were all riding our bikes around the campground, and we came to a fork in the road. My older sister … Read more

What I Learned About Lean Six Sigma

Author: Pat Boutier (Shingo Prize Winning Author, Certified TWI and Coach, and retired TMACer) Welcome to the Musings of a Retired LSS TMACer! I have had the privilege to learn, experiment, and work with Lean Six Sigma over the past 16 years. Over that time, I have learned much and wanted to share a few … Read more

Overcoming Bias (Presentation)

A Core Skill for Effective Data Collection Program Manager and Master Black Belt Russ Aikman was a presenter at the 19th Annual Lean Six Sigma World Conference. The event was held virtually and provides advances learning for Lean Six Sigma practitioners. Below is the PowerPoint presentation used: Russ Aikman’s presentation from the 2021 Lean Six … Read more

Lean Six Sigma is for Everyone

Imagine you are getting on a roller coaster. You buckle your seatbelt in the car and the gears turn and start slowly moving you up a steep incline. Your adrenaline starts to build in your stomach and your heart starts racing. You are excited and terrified at the same time. You know what is coming, … Read more

Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare: A Case Study

Author: Eduardo Amezcua, Lean Consultant, Shingo Facilitator, and Black Belt Most examples of Lean Six Sigma projects involve manufacturing processes. This is mainly because it was developed in that environment. But LSS is a methodology that works well in a variety of industries. It is increasingly being used in healthcare to improve quality of care … Read more